
Translating Productive Muslim Manifesto eBook into 6 Languages of the Ummah: Help ProductiveMuslim translate the ProductiveMuslim Manifesto eBook into Arabic, Urdu, Malay, Bahasa Indonesia, Turkish, & French!

Translating Productive Muslim Manifesto eBook into 6 Languages of the Ummah

ProductiveMuslim.com | Towards A Productive Ummah

In 2007, ProductiveMuslim.com was born as the personal blog of Mohammed Faris (aka Abu Productive) who wanted to share his personal reflections on the link between Islam and Productivity. Over the years, the blog grew into a global platform led by a dedicated team of volunteers that inspire thousands of Muslims every day to lead more productive lives through their articles, videos, animations, infographics, worksheets, webinars, and more.

The team now faces the challenge of translating their content into the top languages of the Ummah in order to truly reach the far corners of the Ummah, and for that, they need your help.

The Challenge

As a team – we are aware that only 7% of the Muslim world speak English. This means that if we want our message of productivity to truly inspire the Ummah, we need to seriously work hard to translate our content into the top languages spoken in the Muslim world.

The question is: where do we start?

We would love to translate our entire website, but that’ll be too expensive and we don’t have the internal capacities to manage such a massive translation project.

Having said that, we thought of starting our translation effort with something succinct from our website, yet powerful, and this is the ProductiveMuslim Manifesto.

What is The Productive Muslim Manifesto?

The ProductiveMuslim Manifesto | 10 Essential Qualities Every Muslim Needs To Rebuild A Productive Ummah
The Productive Muslim Manifesto is a beautifully illustrated, concise, 42 page eBook that captures the essence of all the work we’ve been doing at ProductiveMuslim.com for the past 7 years. 
The ProductiveMuslim Manifesto | 10 Essential Qualities Every Muslim Needs To Rebuild A Productive Ummah
It summarizes 10 key qualities along with practical tips, that if applied, can help change the Ummah for the better, inshaAllah.

These qualities include:

  1. How to pursue everything in life with an active intention

  2. How to seek spiritual connectivity & barakah in every moment

  3. How to fill your heart with abundant positivity

  4. How to Plan your day, week, month, life in detail!

  5. How to Rise early and seize the barakah

  6. How to Aim for physical vitality

  7. How to Pursue holistic learning for a holistic life

  8. How to Take time to have fun!

  9. How to Always be of service

  10. How to Have commitment and discipline

The ProductiveMuslim Manifesto | Table of Contents

Click here to download The ProductiveMuslim Manifesto

It’s a powerful summary of the most important skills that you need to learn and develop so you can be more productive!

The Productive Muslim Manifesto is available for FREE and now we need your help to make it available to the rest of the Ummah.

The Campaign – Six New Languages for the Manifesto

The Productive Muslim team is excited to launch this campaign to fund the translation of the Productive Muslim Manifesto into 6 of the most popularly spoken languages in the Muslim world. 

These are:

  1. Arabic

  2. Urdu

  3. Malay

  4. Bahasa Indonesia

  5. Turkish

  6. French

We really want the entire Ummah to read, benefit, and implement the key concepts and practical tips of this manifesto into their lives. We sincerely believe that this manifesto can help individuals in the Ummah become more productive inshaAllah and we don’t want language to be a barrier to reach the far corners of the Ummah!

Who’ll do the translation?

We’re hiring a professional translation company to translate, edit, and proof-read the manifesto into the 6 languages we selected as well as design the final product to make it resemble the final English version as much as possible.


United States Education Publishing Causes


funded of $12,000 goal

0% Complete




days left

Partial Funding: This campaign launched on Aug 23, 2015 and will collect all funds raised by Sep 26, 2015 3:00 AM

$10 USD

Share in the Blessing

For every $10, your name will be mentioned in the manifesto webpage.

0 of 500 claimed

$25 USD

Own a copy of ProductiveMuslim Manifesto Audio Book

For every $25, the above + you will get the Manifesto Audiobook narrated by Abu Productive so you can listen to it on the go.

0 of 250 claimed

$50 USD

Free access to two Productive Muslim Academy Online Classes

For every $50, the above + you will get free access to two Productive Muslim Academy Classes (The ProductiveMuslim Guide to Never Missing Fajr again” & “How to Develop Productive Habits and Powerful Routines”).

0 of 100 claimed

$100 USD

Exclusive Group Coaching

For every $100, the above + you will get exclusive group coaching webinar with Abu Productive on practical tips to implement the concepts of the manifesto.

0 of 50 claimed

$250 USD

Access to Productive Ramadan Online Course

For every $250, the above + you will get free access to our flagship Ramadan course “How to Lead a ProductiveRamadan”.

0 of 25 claimed

$500 USD

Exclusive 1-to-1 Personlized Productivity Coaching

For every $500, the above + you will get 1-hour one-to-one coaching with Abu Productive to develop a customizable productive routine for your life.

0 of 10 claimed

$1000 USD

Productive Muslim Friend

For every $1000, the above + you will get Personalized Thankyou Card from Abu Productive + Special Productivity Gift Set from Abu Productive Private Collection.

0 of 7 claimed


The Productive Muslim Manifesto is a beautifully illustrated, concise, 42 page eBook that captures the essence of all the work we’ve been doing at ProductiveMuslim.com for the past 7 years.
See Campaign: https://www.launchgood.com/project/translating_productivemuslim_manifesto_into_six_languages_of_the_ummah
Contact Information:
Productive Muslim

LaunchGood, Reward, United States, Books & Publishing, English, Industry verticals, Regions, Media & Entertainment, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW